Tuesday, September 2, 2008

SPT Bloggin Buddies 1

Here is Lelly's Self Portrait Tuesday Challenge for the month of September... Gonna be a blast!

"your challenge is to highlight one thing per week that you have been inspired to do "because of a blogger." maybe it is a blogger you know (an old friend, a neighbor). maybe it is a blogger who is on your RSS feed. or maybe your creativity was sparked by a "drive-by" - a link to a link to a link. (wherever you found your inspiration, please try to give a nod to the appropriate blogger.) i have broken the month into 5 "categories."tuesday, september 2 home decor/tabletop
tuesday, september 9 entertaining/parties
tuesday, september 16 arts and crafts
tuesday, september 23 in the kitchen
tuesday, september 30 personal growth"
My shout out is to my buddy Jeanette ! I don't know if this counts but she and I go way back before either one of us had computers in our homes. We would sit around for hours talking about crafts, sewing and home decor projects as well as the latest frustrations with my husband, then boyfriend.
Jeanette taught me to have no fear and "paint it". I love the pieces in her home that she has transformed with a little bravery and creativity. So over the years I have followed suit. It sure saves on cash-ola too.. The queen anne coffee table in the middle of my living room was handed down to us from Mike's grandparents. It took a severe beating from my kiddos. Banging toys on the surface, coloring, cars minus rubber wheels and finally a Lysol incident. My daughter sprayed the top with the disinfectant and it ate through the layers of finish and stain right down to the wood. Beware Lysol!! Well now it is dawned with an ivory top, a few bluebells and porcelain crackle finish. Thank goodness for distressed appeal. If I can continue to keep the legs on, all will be well.. Its now become a random seat for video game playing?? Oh, the candlestick lamps were a thrift store find that I painted as well, Savers aka Jeanette's favorite store!

That was my first "paint it" project, then I picked up this number from a garage sale and had a great time fixing it up. I also love pictures of friends and family so if i find a 5x7 frame that suits me, I white wash it with paint, add a favorite photo and slap it up in my hall way, which is almost out of room. I've been so inspired by my blogging buddy that I could go on as I have numerous painted pieces in my home, but I will stop here and save some others for later ;-)
Visit Jeanette's blog and I promise you will be intrigued by her decor talents!!
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