Sunday, February 28, 2010

Makeup Tip #5 Hard Habit to Break

Remember all those awesome Runway Looks I told you about. Boy did I have fun doing them on this beautiful flawless model. She looked amazing. Actually, she'd look amazing in a gunny sack..

Now that it has hit the stands, I can share the Spring Fashion Shoot with you via Luxury Las Vegas Magazine.

These were my faves of the bunch.  Now I you know you all wanna go out and buy orange eyeshadow and tomato red lipstick for spring right?  Just kidding.

I myself find breaking the makeup routine difficult.  Especially as I age.  Yesterday, we were going out on a date, so I decided to try a new makeup look on myself.  I used a product on my eyelids that I love to use at work and never use at home.  It was a disaster, it looked aweful.  Now tell me why is it I have trouble with makeup???  I'll tell you..  My face isnt young and flawless anymore.  In fact I have very crepe-y eyelids, due to a bout with psoriasis in 2000 that was all over my eyelids and underneath my eyes.  The only thing that made it go away was a cream that thinned out my skin so badly, I have 80 year old eyelids.  I've managed to find products that don't accentuate the wrinkles.  But Ugh! It sux..   Anyway I digress..

My point is, perhaps the same old same old isnt so bad.  I decided to continue to live by my 5 minute rule.  "If you can slap it on in 5 minutes and feel good about yourself, then you've done a great makeup."  So what if you like your blue eyeshadow from the 80's, if you carry well... you go gurl..

So I'll pass on the orange eyeshadow this season, I might consider the lipstick.  However the foundation, loose powder, blush mascara routine I've been doing since 1990 will stay with me for now...

See even I cant break the makeup habit..   Have you changed your makeup routine lately?
post signatureHard Habit to Break by Chicago

Monday Mingle Numero 5

Visit 80 mph mom for mingle fun... Come join the mingle..

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Competition Winner!

I had decided to draw the winner using the old fashioned method of writing down everyone's names who entered (entering those who posted about the competition twice) and putting them in a bowl... All the names were thoroughly mixed up and shuffled around to make it fair...
Then I got my fiance Chris to close his eyes and pick out out a winner. And the winner is....

Crystal.S.!!!! Congratulations!
Send me an email and let me know what your address is etc and I'll get those prizes posted over to you!
Thanks again to everyone who entered, I was overwhelmed at how many entries there were. I just hit 600 followers today so that is a big milestone for me...I still can't believe people like to listen to me ramble!
I am thinking of having anothe giveaway in the not too distant future so stay tuned for that...

My Competition is now closed!

My competition is now closed! Thanks so much to everyone who entered and left comments...I ended up getting 161 entries in the end which is alot more than I expected! So, I will be choosing the winner later today and I will let you guys know who the lucky person is! Good Luck!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Edge of Darkness

Titel: Edge of Darkness
Genre: Drama/Mysterium/Thriller
Land: Storbritannien/USA
År: 2010
Regi: Martin Campbell
I rollerna: Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic

Handling: När mordutredaren Thomas Craven utreder hans egen aktivist-dotters död upptäcker han inte bara hennes hemliga dubbelliv utan även en mörkläggningsaffär på regeringsnivå. Han snubblar in i en FBI-historia som omfattar hemlighetsmakeri och undanröjande av bevis och händelser.

Omdöme: Baserat på den hyllade och prisbelönta brittiska miniserien med samma namn från 1985 tar sig regissören Martin Campbell an filmen. Han var även regissören som gjorde de sex delarna och stod även för den lyckade Bond-filmen Casino Royale. I huvudrollen ses Mel Gibson som Boston-polisen Thomas Craven. Efter att hans dotter kommit hem sjuk och senare blir skjuten, börjar han utreda fallet som för honom till företaget Northmoor där dottern jobbade. Snart står det klart att en konspiration av stora mått kan vara i görning och frågan är bara vem Thomas Craven kan lita på.

Filmen har en del likheter med The International vad gäller konspirationer, men här är det fader-dotter relationen som står i centrum och där en far vill hitta de skyldiga och hämnas. Filmens klart starkaste sida är några brutalt välgjorda scener som de verkligen lyckats med. De slår till med full kraft och gör filmen sevärd i sig. Mel Gibson känns inte alltid helgjuten i huvudrollen och blir stundtals lite lättviktig i en roll som kräver en tung skådespelare. Också lite kul att han i flera scener är huvudet kortare än några av sina manliga skådespelare, vilket givetvis ser komiskt ut.

Ray Winstone i rollen som Jedburgh har mest potential, och är en bra skådespelare, men får inte riktigt spela ut hela sitt register vilket är synd. Intressant är att Robert De Niro skulle spela Jedburgh, men lämnade projektet efter ett par dagar pga "meningsskiljaktigheter". Själva storyn är det inget fel på, men man avslöjar för tidigt hur det mesta ligger till vilket gör att man mest vill se hur han ska få sin hämnd. Man kunde gjort det mer mystiskt helt enkelt istället för att lägga fram det mesta.

3 - Skådespelare
3 - Handling
3 - Känsla
3 - Musik
3 - Foto
15 - Totalt

IMDb: 7.0

Looking for Mr. Right

For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about …what he has promised him. Genesis 18:19 NIV

A friend was speaking from the front of the church hall during a business meeting. During her talk, she said that she was looking for a husband, and any help would be appreciated. From the back came a droll bass voice, “Shouldn’t you be looking for a single man?”

She and I have talked often about men. Of course we don’t want someone else’s husband! We’re waiting on the Lord’s choice. We want men with demonstrable skills in commitment and loyalty. But pickings are slim. Why is that?

Across America, two-thirds of church members (in any denomination) are women. The other third are youth or married men. Many don’t attend church regularly. So there’s not a large population of Christian single men. Wouldn’t it be great to market our beliefs and lifestyle to single men in an evangelism campaign directed at men? Think how the offering revenues would rise after their baptisms! Some megachurches have done just that, and that's why they have the prefix "mega" before "church."

Many men, looking for playmates instead of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman, bewail the lack of “dateable” women (aged 20-39, athletic, slim, childless, and willing to compromise morals). “Man [particularly the male gender] looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD [and most women] looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 NIV.

The heart of Mr. Right submitted wholly (and holy) to the Lord Jesus—that man is incredibly desirable. The intelligent, righteous, and moral man who commits himself to the ministry of the church and in the community—oh, be still my beating heart!

Mr. Right is described in Genesis 18:19 NIV: “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about …what he has promised him.”

There are godly single people in both genders. Perhaps our focus should be less on finding the One Perfect Specimen, and more on bringing new people into our communities of faith, and by example and fellowship, developing their potential to be all that God has planned for them.
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