Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Diary of a Makeup Artist (or Wig Designer) Entry #02

Ever heard of SIMON its Chef Carey Simon's dining digs. He recently opened up a new eatery in Palms Place here in Las Vegas called Poolside, (restaurant by the pool). He has this great desert called "the junk food platter" where all his favorite childhood deserts have been recreated. The biggest hit on the platter is the cotton candy. MMMMM to die for! So I get a call from a client saying they want cotton candy wigs. How fun!! Well here is what I came up with. I was worried it didn't look enough like cotton candy. But when my makeup artist friend B.J. looked in the back of my car and said, "Whats with all the cotton candy?" I knew I nailed it! They were quite heavy though... glad I didn't have to wear one for 8 hours. After I saw this picture of myself, I ran to the mirror to make sure I'd plucked my eyebrows right. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like to see my work on billboards and in magazines and such, but my family doesn't really relate, so I never point it out. But the Cotton Candy Heads were around the house and the kids thought they were fun. So when we drove by this billboard and they were yelling "Mom its your hair up there!" it was fun, although the scantly clad model made me cringe. My daughter pointed out that "she isn't very modest"...
Here is another result, looks much better on her than me :-)
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