well the last year has been incredibly crazy and filled with surprises, sadness and changes. i think last i left off here i announced our move to california and i was on the road with a client running for political office. well we survived the election even though she lost. would i ever do a political campaign again? probably not, just not my thing, but the money was right for the time since business was so bad last year.
the kids have adjusted rather well to california. come to find out, there were a few things our son was happy to leave behind in B.C. one was a bully! that's another post for another time. both kids are doing well socially and with their new school a 2 minute hop skip and jump from our front door made for an easy commute to school. not having to worry about car pools was awesome.
shortly after the november election we found out we were expecting. yes it was a shocker. we were in denial for a few months and didnt really talk about it. talk about a surprise! i mean our kids are 14 and 11, yea we were done 10 years ago. guess we found out the hard way, your not done until your fixed...
eventually we adjusted to the idea of a new baby and a new member of our family. the kids are so excited. and as the baby has grown and become more active in my 39 year old body (dont get me started with my "advanced maternal age"), mike and i are excited too.
so i sit here tonight, in the final days of my pregnancy, as of late finding it difficult to sleep with feet in my ribs, blogging.... why not!
Hello Again by The Cars