Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony's Pink Striped Shirt at Trial Verdict: Scariest Halloween Costume of the Year

Folks think of casey anthony as a sociopath..thus, a simple pink shirt makes a perfect halloween SCARY costume.
 i bought The Last of the LR pink pinstriped ruffled shirts in Manhattan, (the exact one she wore at Verdict)
 and posted on ebay  partly as Dark Humor, partly as a fundraiser;
(proceeds were to go to a local adoption service)-
But due to a couple of angry, accusatory comments the seller removed it.
What can you do for Justice for Caylee: Wendy murphy HERE
Casey anthony aquitted: HERE  wendy murphy's  discussion
of further evidence of the crime here

The SCARIEST halloween costume ever. But if you don't want to go as a defense lawyer, try a pink ruffled shirt...

On a weirder note--in my local neighborhood bar and grill, every single guy at the bar having a beer was able, when asked several days later, to accurately describe what C.Anthony was wearing at her Verdict.  join OJ's glove in history.

 the ebay seller who'd kindly listed the item
 reported that she received insulting notes
 (eg "blood money") due to posting this auction item for me.
Those writing the notes apparently did not see
 a) that proceeds were going to an organization that helps children,
and b) the dark humor in chastising c.a. by calling
 her clothing "a scary halloween costume"--

"what other people think of you is none of your business..."


National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD
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