Friday, July 1, 2011

The Deconstruction of a Young Deer; Flies, Decomposition and the Buddhism of Monty Python

or Yin and Yang on one side and the Eternal Flow of Light on the Other...

Well, i cannot let you view this post without first asking you to read the earlier post:

I would be remiss as a writer and a human to allow you to go further; what follows is not for everyone (at your present moment, perhaps)

now that you have explored
the buddhist mind of decomposition
and pondered
the Enourmous Rat,
"..I vaguely remember admonitions from the buddhist days,
when friends would say,
"meditate on the rotting corpse!"
ostensibly until
the aversion leaves, or
the appreciation for that which is not physical
or the cycle of oneness and life presents itself.
I've read where Theraveda Buddhism celebrates the revolting,
 in order to transcend that which is perishable:

It is possible that you can allow yourself the ponderment

of the following
to your growth and advantage.
Before i post the visuals, i will go for tea. It is 101 degrees here in the land of Oz. In the shade, that is, which is where we take tea in summer.
where ever you are, join me.

OK first i will tell the story with pictures, (click to enlarge) then link to the (warning) shortest, kindest horror video.

Monday morning:
a young deer dead on the road in the sunrise.

Many vultures and others, coyotes, along the river needing to eat.
Take the body of the beautiful young deer, spirit now long gone, to a resting place where the corpse may give life to others.

A kansas road which ends at the river provides a quiet place.
After 24 hours, the corpse
engages in the transformation game of Maya

more pictures and films not necessary now at least.

I ponder the yin and yang of this side of paradise;
the side where sin death and corruption swallow take
Use up.
True life will only Give
light and grace.
To give without using up;
to expand by giving rather than by taking is how Love
differs from evil.
Yeast in bread
mustard seed
geometric progression
Light Expands

But On this side we have the Yin and the Yang;
When the veil is lifted there is Eternal Light
you have the mind to ponder the consequenses of sin, corruption,
here is one small
Terrible video.
if you are able, click to watch:

as the days pass, the deer's body dissipates.
Something or a group has moved it several feet.--coyote or vultures, most likely.
by saturday, there is a small amount of the corpse still here:
and here is video:

go watch The Deer Hunter, one of the best 10 movies of all time, one of the top 10 casts ever assembled, and do something nice for a viet nam vet.

For pictures and a lovely video of the most beautiful deer pair i ever saw,
in my yard and jumping over soybeans, click HERE

Beautiful Living Deer, Doe, Stag, Fawn click HERE

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