Saturday, January 15, 2011

Will there be a Movie?

P.C has actually addressed the chance of a movie many times on her blog.  However for those of you who don't read her blog, or wish to start, I will post everything I know here.

Here's what she had to say:

1. Yes, the series has been optioned for film. Quite a while ago actually. By Michael Birnbaum at Empire Pictures. He's working on making MARKED into a movie right now.

2. I'm pleased about this and trust Michael. So, no, I don't think turning my world into a movie will ruin it. Relax guys. It'll be fine.

3. I don't have anything to do with casting. That's Michael's area of expertise. If he has open casting calls I'll post about it on my blog. Emailing me your resumes, photos, etc., won't help you get a part in the movie. I'll be lucky if I get a part myself. Jeesh. I'M JUST THE AUTHOR!

4. No, I can't give you Michael's contact info. Try google.

5. No, I'm not involved in the script. Yes, I know the screenwriter. His name is Kent Dalian and I heart him totally. He's doing an awesome job translating my book(s) into film. No, I can't give you his contact info either.

6. I don't know when or even if the movie will actually be released. It's not filming yet, guys, so just be patient. I'd rather have a wonderful movie that comes out LATER than something crappy that's rushed into production. Not that I have any control over that, but Michael is showing excellent judgment about such things and I'm totally satisfied with the direction he's taking the film.

So sit tight with me, and let's see what happens. If all else fails, you, Kent, Kristin, and I will eat lots of too buttery popcorn and either be awestruck (like it's AVATAR) or we'll sob hysterically (like it's that sad version they made of Dean Koontz's awesome book, WATCHERS). Personally I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the AVATAR comparison...

and another blog:

Q: Are the books being made into a movie/tv series?

A: Maybe. The series has been optioned by Empire Pictures. I've read the screenplay, written by the very talented Kent Dalian, and I've given it my complete endorsement. Now I sit back and wait like the rest of y'all to see what happens.

Q: Are you making the books into a movie/TV series?

A: No, my producer, Michael Birnbaum, is working on that. I optioned the right to his production company to adapt the HoN to film. Michael asks for my opinion on things (like the screenplay adaptation), but except for occasional input, that's about where my involvement ends.

Q: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make them into movies! It just ruins everything and destroys the minds of the young.

A: Too late. We've already optioned them (see above for definition). And Kristin and I don't think movies/TV destroy the minds of the young. We think laziness and a sense of entitlement do that. Oh, and drugs, too. We happen to like movies and TV. A lot.

Q: Well, then, make them make a really really good movie/TV series. Okay?

A: I can't MAKE my producer do anything, although he is quite nice and I heart him. His name is Michael Birnbaum. If you'd like to google him and send him the zillions of emails about making the series into a movie that you send me - he can actually do something about it. No, I won't give out his contact information. You're smart. Figure it out yourself.

Q: I'm perfect to play Zoey/Aphrodite/Stevie Rae/Damien/Erik/either Twin/Duchess/Nala/Neferet, etc., etc., so could you pick me to be in the movie/TV series? Could I audition for you? Where are auditions? What's happening?

A: Casting is NOT GOING ON YET. I have no clue if it's going to be open casting, or if the studio is going to attach an actress/actor to to the part(s) without opening it to others. I don't know what my involvement will be. Technically, my producer can do whatever he wants to do. Again, he does listen to me, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm involved, but nothing is being cast right now. So, NO, don't send me your information. I'll post here if there is a casting call and give you the details.

Q: But what about the videos you send out and the ones on the HoN website? Are those the actors for the movie? And I hate/love them and think they look perfect/too old!

A: The videos from the site are book trailers and ONLY book trailers. They were produced by my fabulous publisher as fun extras and teasers for my fans. They have nothing to do with any movie/tv series. And for the record: I helped choose the models, and they are teenagers. NO I DO NOT THINK THEY LOOK TOO OLD. If I did, I wouldn't have chosen them. Also, I can't put you in contact with the models. Yes, the model who plays Zoey is the same lovely girl, whose real name is Tara, who portrays Zoey on all the book covers. I think she's wonderful. No, I don't know the other models' names. No, I can't put you in touch with "Stark," no matter how hot you think he is.

And while we're on the subject of my publisher's videos - I like the tattoos from the videos. Are they the exact tattoos I see in my mind as I write the books? Hell, no. How could anyone reproduce that? I suppose I could, but I can't draw at all. I enjoy seeing different interpretations of my world. It's all done in a wonderful spirit of fun, and I heart that!

Q: I've heard the movie is going to be different than the book. Isn't that going to mess everything up?

A: Yes, the screenplay for MARKED is different than the book. Some characters are introduced earlier, and there have been additions in plot as well as some things left out. That's the way it is when you adapt a book to a movie, especially when it's the first of a series. The book was told from Zoey's point of view, and a bunch of what happened inside her head had to be shown on screen. No, I don't think that will mess anything up. No, I'm not going to get involved in a big discussion about the differences. As I said earlier in this post, I like the screenplay. I'm cool with the changes. I think it's fascinating how books are adapted to films. As an example: TRUE BLOOD is different than the Sookie Stackhouse books, and both are excellent.

So, please, spare me the diatribes about film ruining books. Kristin and I are thrilled with the movie possibility. If we weren't we wouldn't have signed the contract. No one made us; we wanted to. Some of my very, very favorite movies are based on books: Lord of the Rings, Dances with Wolves, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, Secret Life of Bees, Harry Potter (yes! I heart all of them!), etc., etc. No, I'm not scared about HoN coming to film IF IT EVER HAPPENS. Relax. Let's just go along for the ride. If it sucks we can have a good laugh and eat that yummy popcorn with way too much butter...

My opinion:  I would love to see the books become a movie(s).  I honestly don't see the harm.  I feel like it would be better to have at least something that you can watch to have them come to life rather then nothing.  If they don't turn out how I/you wanted them to, well at least you have SOMETHING to look at, that is most likely pretty similar.  I completely understand that they would have to add parts in, lets face it, the majority of the book is her is that a movie?  I hate to hear that they are taking things out, but I hope for the best.  When it comes to introducing characters early, again, I understand.  Everyone has a favorite character and I don't any of us wants to wait until the FORTH movie to even see some of them.  If they use the people they use in the videos they post for advertising i will be severely unhappy.   I do think that many of them look too old, and most of them are just plain wrong.  

But that's just me,
What do you think? 

Until next time,
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