Monday, January 3, 2011

Wider Reading | More Sex, Lust and Betrayal at Price Drop TV

I recently wrote a short meditation on a morning spent watching Price Drop TV. I knew that eventually I'd find several like-minded souls who had donated more time than they probably should have done analysing this strange platform for ad hoc broadcasting/salesmanship.

What I didn't count on, however, is stumbling upon one of the most bizarre, depraved threads I've seen on YouTube for some time. Truly, we've gone through the right-wing looking glass and have actually found ourselves mired in a nation of lonely men, desperate for consumer porn.

The following video and comment thread is taken verbatim from its source. If I'm being honest, it makes me yearn for a simpler time when people like 'LongSausageMAN' and 'SPOCKAL' would have to save their opinions for writing on the walls of public toilets. Sadly, 2011's toilet wall is found in the same place as we keep some of our finest documentaries, music videos, news reports and other culturally important broadcasts.

I recommend that before you watch the following video, and the comments that follow it, you find yourself a copy of something by Germaine Greer to throw at the screen. I take no pleasure in the following comment-thread, but I think that it is something which needs to be looked at unflinchingly as we consider what kind of society we live in and how the internet continues to reflect and effect it.

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