Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Seasons: Teaching Us the Grace of Time

Autumn Moves in Swiftly: Pondering Urgency
We had an extended summery time here in the Little Apple.
That is, it was so hot that things laughed in the general direction of growing and winter was actually wished for...
many folks here feel that NBAF is a poisoned apple...
But today i am digging the wetbluster leavesblowing rustlewhistle sounds and smell of trees changing and electrons aware of animals quickening and foodtastes altering.

The seasons, like the days, are the beginning of wisdom for some?
but knowledge?
One can study Piaget and the acquiring of knowledge;
if one imagines a People without knowledge, the recurring Sun and Moon allow for comfort and security in an intellectual way.
Every day, here it comes- that weird big yellow thing moving across the sky -- OK

But the passing of seasons is not for the primitive just figuring out days and nights--

are for wisdom and pain,
are for love and bitterness.

The passing seasons are the walls
that the wounded bounce against,
corralled in the mask of sanity
kept alive and standing
until the searing part of the pain is gone.
Until one might stand again
by oneself.

Our Souls need the seasons like our Bodies need gravity.

The seasons
are a strange nourishing organic blanket
teaching us the Grace of Time

Here you are again
Incarnated in this present moment
take your hundred chances
take your unlimited moments
how many do you need?

The Seasons Mary Todd

 Stone House on Prairie mary todd

click to enlarge pics

For those wrapped in love and happiness
the seasons
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