Monday, November 15, 2010

Bitch | Introduction | After the library and HORSE

The tragic kidnapping of Silkworms Ink by the petulant and pestilent virus Finkpoint has finally come to an end. We, the Silkworms Ink editors, upon realising what had happened immediately rushed to our medical library for guidance – we scoured – manically hunting for a cure. Our research took us to the depths of dark arts, some books called for May-born sheep’s blood to be poured into the computer monitor’s fan, others promised a sacrifice of a hamster upon the keyboard would draw out the viral beast from within. The ‘put-leeches-in-the-CD-tray’, an idea of our own – inspired by their success with blood  - was equally as unsuccessful. A week we searched for the answer, then like buses two came along. The first solution, ‘The Trojan Horse’ – involved us challenging Finkpoint to a high stakes game of HORSE – if we won, we got the blog back, if Finkpoint won – well, who could know what it would demand. The second solution, was turn the blog on an off again. Subsequently, we lost the game of HORSE and Finkpoint declared that from that day forward each of us would have to, when asked about our opinion of Simon Cowell’s ‘The X Factor’, argue that it was an inspiring feat of television, that took viewers on a journey full of surprising twists and turns and each season ending with us having learned something. We turned the blog on and off again – and it worked like a charm.

So, dear readers, we are back and what better a way to begin than with a good bitch…

Or, actually, not – why bother? Life is too short to moan about it. Our blog gets taken over by a super-villainous virus – so what, shit happens. Let’s look on the bright side and have an anti-bitch instead – a good old rant about the things we love; from simple pleasures, through favorite things, to compliments to the world.

Please comment and tell the collective ‘us’ what you think are the best things.

This week's theme is dedicated to ‘Fyodor MD’ 
– although Jon, I still think that was a terrible name for a hamster.

James Harringman
(Once again) Editor-in-Chief
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