Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wider Reading | YouTube | Hand Job

So anybody familiar with YouTube will know that the phrase 'Adding comments has been disabled for this video' means that you are about to watch something that winds a lot of people up. This has to be the case with this video centred around Ellen Sirot, a heinous hand model from the USA. I first encountered this woman through the wonderful Jason Kottke.

The hell with 'comments disabled' though... this is a democracy after all. Here is what there would definitely be written, verbatim, underneath this video if people were just allowed to voice their opinions:

What a fucking doosh! LOL

I have never seen such a pretenshus a$$hole in my hole life. Have u seen the way she walks around with those gloves?

Her kids must get SO bullied at school, lolz.

Clearly this woman is not representative of the entire hand model community though. I mean, look at the other two... they both seem pretty chill. Especially the guy.

Yeah LOL. Notice how the glamour hand model talks about how she could never go walking around like that with the gloves, because obviously it makes her look like a dooshfag.

As someone who has done some hand modelling myself, I find you all to be incredibly uninformed and, frankly, awful human beings. What Ellen does, whilst it might not be serious to you, is a real art. Consider the life sacrifices she has had to make in order to keep her hands perfect. Do you think she doesn't realise what a figure of fun she is? She endures all this public disdain out of belief that she is doing something important. Just like Jesus.

You can do something important without being a fucking doosh though!

SuperDude, I find your attitude shocking. In all walks of life, in all jobs, you will find people that you do not get on with or who behave in a way that doesn't gel with your own personality. This is not specific to hand modelling. What right have you got to belittle this woman, who puts her entire life in terms of how she can be the best at her job?

You still would though.

What about nurses and aid workers and shit? Those people go through so much more and get paid nowhere near as much as this terrible woman does for just sitting around holding stuff. I mean, look how conceited she is.

Yeah but if you didn't have people with such beautiful hands you wouldn't need nurses and aid workers because everyone would want to die rather than live in a world where beautiful handed Americans can sell you Oil of Olay.

@Anthrax53... YES!

@JennyHasty... nice try, troll.

Oh my god, you guys. You are just like Adolf Hitler.

You reckon she only wears hand me downs? lol

Hah, I bet her and all her colleagues are scrabbling over each other for hand jobs, rofl.

You gotta hand it to her...

On the other hand, she looks like she's not averse to some underhand manoeuvres.

@SuperDude101... I resent that remark

Hand on heart

I just came!
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