Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Morning Music Staple Singers

What ! Again!
I may be boring but i know what tastes comforting.

the lyrics are HERE

atonishing 16 year old janis ian

Come to my door, baby, Face is clean and shining black as night. My mother went to answer you know That you looked so fine. Now I could understand your tears and your shame,
She called you "boy" instead of your name.
When she wouldn't let you inside,
When she turned and said "But honey, he's not our kind." She says I can't see you any more, baby, Can't see you anymore. Walk me down to school, baby, Everybody's acting deaf and dumb. Until they turn and say, "Why don't you stick to your own kind."
My teachers all laugh, the smirking stares, Cutting deep down in our affairs.
Preachers of equality, Think they believe it, then why won't they just let us be?
They say I can't see you anymore baby, Can't see you anymore.

One of these days I'm gonna stop my listening
Gonna raise my head up high. One of these days I'm gonna raise up my glistening wings and fly.
But that day will have to wait for a while.
Baby I'm only society's child.
When we're older things may change,
But for now this is the way, they must remain.
I say I can't see you anymore baby, Can't see you anymore.
No, I don't want to see you anymore, baby.

Steve Gugg
first vid Acoustic Guitar Pick-
second vid Jam

James Blunt You're Beautiful

Now, HERE  is the link to the original You're Beautiful Video.
The embedcode is no longer downloadable, probably due to the high number of (admit it- hilarious) parodies made off it--
But i still remember the breathless moment when i saw the video the first time and "got it" --
I had not overly enjoyed the song when it was popular; since i don't have a lot of time for music radio i was not burnt out on it like some apparently were--

(I think it was the HONEY of 2007... in that youngsters overplayed it till some elders wanted to poke their ears out rather than hear it again--alos,add in the drugs, internationalism and depression medication of a new generation---

SO I WAS driving down
the mystical zeandale road, and heard YOu're Beautiful a year or so after its release for the first time as a real song. intrigued, i realised i, without cable and video channels, might get to see more about what he meant by the song by seeing the video of it on the new YOUTUBE thing.

The clearness of his statement,
 the purity of his anguish,
 the matter-of-factness of his suicidal depression at the horrible cosmic joke and loss of love, is something that can teach you if you listen.
A broken heart is a physical thing.

Have you never been 17 and dumped?
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