Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wider Reading | England Retain The Ashes

And what a fascinating little snippet the Guardian caught for us. Strauss has clearly so taken to heart the karmic strategy that 'When we give in to hubris, we immediately lose 5-0 next time around', and so he shrugs his shoulders with wonderful dourness and mutters something about working on their errors, strategising for the upcoming Sydney match, etc, etc.

And Ponting, with a heartbreaking little smile, hopes that he won't only be remembered as the man who lost those three series. Hugs for that man!

A lot of people don't seem to like Mitchell Johnson very much. I think it's at least partially because he looks a bit like Eli Roth, and it's all in the power of association. Poor fellow.

The England-Australia sporting rivalry's always seemed a bit odd to me. They hate - or pretend to hate - us because of colonialism and because we won't shut up about the whole convict thing. We reciprocate...because they're, generally speaking, better than we are? Do any Australians out there know when this fascinating battle of egos first began?

Ah, well. We've got that dinky little jar now, as well as more talented bowlers than you could shake a wicket at. I also have a theory that Jonathan Trott, bless his stubby bald little head, is secretly KP's deeply unfashionable polar-opposite-doppelganger (those exist, right?)
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