Monday, December 20, 2010

Frozen Britain | Another Anthem for Heathrow Airport

Like thousands of others, I have spent the past couple of days looking at airline websites and pressing my impatient ear to telephones on-hold thinking "damn... looks like the holiday is off!"

I'm not one to play the Blame Game... this country simply isn't prepared for the weather it's been recently receiving. Unless you count the past two years' worth of equivalent snowfall. But how could a small business like an airline possibly be prepared for something that happened only a year ago?

So, this Christmas I was planning on spending the fortnight with my friend Liz in Rio. But, as the fact that you are reading this may indicate, that isn't likely to happen. So I thought I'd go a bit Billy Bragg about things and get a good old song underway for all my frozen comrades in the airports to sing along to.

For your delectation, here is the first song I've written in months, Grounded:

Editor in Limbo
Phil Brown
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