Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Eclipse Falls on Winter Solstice December 21, 2010; the moon from my yard

Update: My Geology Wizard Friend tells me the red of the moon is the reflection of all the sunrises and sunsets going on around the earth during a lunar eclipse. Cool! Thanks Kate. Here is a link to last night's lunar eclipse pics: NASA HERE and pictures HEre and HERE

For the first time in close to 4 centuries, the total lunar eclipse will occur on the shortest day of the year. The Earth will pass between the moon and the sun.
Get up at 2 tonight, and watch as the shadow moves across the moon for the next hour. Here's what the Wise Woman, Karen says, quoting from a source:
Everyone knows that "the moon on the breast of new-fallen snow gives the luster of mid-day to objects below." A similar lunar eclipse in Nov. 2003. Credit: Jim Fakatselis. The luster will be a bit "off" on Dec. 21st, the first day of northern winter, when the full Moon passes almost dead-center through Earth's shadow. For 72 minutes of eerie totality, an amber light will play across the snows of North America, throwing landscapes into an unusual state of ruddy shadow. The eclipse begins on Tuesday morning, Dec. 21st, at 1:33 am EST (Monday, Dec. 20th, at 10:33 pm PST). At that time, Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk. It takes about an hour for the "bite" to expand and swallow the entire Moon. Totality commences at 02:41 am EST (11:41 pm PST) and lasts for 72 minutes. If you're planning to dash out for only one quick look -­ it is December, after all -­ choose this moment: 03:17 am EST (17 minutes past midnight PST). That's when the Moon will be in deepest shadow, displaying the most fantastic shades of coppery red.
NASA website is DOWN.
Here is a pic i took in the evening before the eclipse: (also some geese, who were flying in huge V's, wave after wave, last evening)


Here is the moon from two nights ago in my YARD: canon powershot sx 20 IS

The week before Christmas Moon. 2 nights before the eclipse. click on pic to enlarge

More moons HERE

my clearest big moon pic HERE

my most downloaded moon pic HERE
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