I would love to be that carefree with my hair, but unfortunately, I have a little OCD fairy inside me that I have mentioned before and she won't, let me have bits of hair sticking up (how anal is SHE?!). She always wants my hair to be smooth and super shiny, whether I'm rockin the conical wand waves and curls or going for a straight blowdry.
I am definitely in the camp of Kim Kardashian, whereby if my hair is blowdried straight, it's sleek and glossy with a bit of volume. I am a BIG fan of serum! If I decide to wear it wavy or curly, it's still sleek and very tidy. Sometimes I feel like I should try a less "prim and proper" look, go all out and mess the damn thing up. But I know that I would spend all day flattening the sticky up bits down. My hair just isn't thick enough to get away with it and my style is very groomed so it stands to reason that my hair will follow suit.
So, tell me ladies, are you a messed up madam or a sleek siren?