Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SPT Crackberry!

28. I am a crackberry addict. Best and worst present I've ever received. I had to have it! It was my birthday present last April and I'm already on number 2, my first broke or perhaps wore out. Now, I can't live without it. It is sooo addicting. Texting I love, I am not much of a phone person to begin with. I know, I know how lame is it that we as a society are no longer interested in speaking to one another. It has definitely paid for itself for business, being able to respond to email immediately on bids is great!
Good thing I didn't have one in junior high school, I'd have been in continuous trouble. I wasn't voted most talkative for nothing. Scary thing is my kids love it too. My daughter is 8 and is always texting her grandparents, aunts and cousin. Oh well.... technology... cant live with it cant live without it.
BTW don't text and drive! I pull over..
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