Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lelly's October SPT Theme is the following....
"this month, we will consult our 100 lists. it's quite simple, really. on the 7th of the month. post an spt about item #7 on your list. on the 14th of the month, post an spt about item #14. and so on. and so on."

Well this SPT has forced me to do "the list". I must admit it was fun. So here is my #7.

7. I make my family crazy with Halloween, I love it more than Christmas.

My husband is a firm believer that all of your likes and dislikes, personalities, faults, abilities, etc. stem from your childhood. He never fails to link something about me back to my childhood. Well this definitely applies.
I grew up well.... I won't sugar coat it... poor. So, my sisters and I didn't have the latest and greatest in fashion trends, gadgets or toys. But on Halloween we ALWAYS had the best costumes.
Kimmy, me & Lori

My mother is a seamstress. And what a talent she is. None of those plastic costumes in a box for us. We were the real deal. Some of my most memorable costumes the three of us had were, Raggedy Anns, I Dream of Genies, Space Girls and Witches.

Scary Mary

To this day Halloween is a special time in my home. The house is decorated inside and out. Costumes are planned months ahead. We attend every Halloween carnival and church activity available. Then there is the big adult party, where everyone lets their hair down, disguised as someone else. I have an arsenal of costumes, so my house becomes the local costume shop for all ages. Not to mention the makeup monsters in and out of the house. It's like a 2 week event here. My husband is a Halloween Scrooge. He says that no person should have to endure a holiday for months, as we usually start in August.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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