Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Big Ol' Baby?"

Am I the only thirty something year old who just misses their "Mommy" from time to time? Am I the only grown woman who wants to stomp their feet now and then? Am I the only wife/ parent/adult who wants to hide from the world in their mother's embrace once in a blue moon?

Once again I have neglected to appreciate who and what a person does for me. My mother came to B.C. to help me out with the kids when Mike took the job in CA. It was such a relief to have her here. I knew my children were cared for and happy while I was working. But alas, she had to return home. She stayed a month, a very short month indeed. As I cleaned out the area of my room she was staying in, I became very sad to see the bed and dresser go. I want her back! (stomp! stomp!)My mom and I have been through alot together. She's had a tough life and tried to make the best of it with the knowledge and skills that she has. I've done my best not to be a burden to my parents over the years, as the hand of life they've been dealt.... not the best. Never the less, my mom loves and supports me unconditionaly. Whenever I need my ego stroked or someone to agree with me no matter how wrong I am... she is there. Even when I was a yucky teenager, she did her best. No matter how badly I treated her or behaved, I knew... I knew who I could always turn to. I want her to know I love and appreciate her, especially when she is an awesome Grandmother to my children. They love her dearly. Miss you Mom... come back soon!
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