I have to mention my good bud Jessica at Jessica B. Photography asked for a tip on purchasing red lip stick. As we all know, red can be a deceptive color and difficult to purchase. Red comes in shades of orange, pinks and blue. I should know I carry 5 shades of red in mykit and sometimes I'll mix in a bit of the above just to make the color work on my subject.
This is where beauty advisors at the mall come in. But first thing is first! You need to be in control of the purchase.. Don't be mesmerized by the sale's girl's makeup mastery. And counter hop, every line's colors are going to be different, so be prepared to tell the truth and be opinionated. Yes, they will hate you for it and when you buy only one tube after you've spent 3 hours going through colors, they'll roll their eyes when your not looking. Your other options are inviting a beauty consultant to your home, or attending parties like Mary Kay, Arbonne and Avon. This affords you the opportunity to try as many colors as your heart desires without collecting a drawer full of lipstick tubes you don't like.
Purchasing a red lipstick is all about being prepared. Be on a Red Lipstick Mission! Don't go looking for red without makeup on or in a shirt that clashes with red. You will hate every color you try, I promise.
Red Lipstick is a polished look of balance, so have a simple polished face on when you embarq on your mission. A white or black shirt will also help you see the true results as you are trying different shades on. And bring touch up concealer/foundation and powder with you. Because you will have a pink ring around your lips as you remove each try. Apply the concealer over the pinked skin before each application.
Red is such a preference color, its all about what you like and how it makes you feel. There really is no perfect shade for every woman in the world. My Favorite reds are by Avon, Loreal, Bobbie Brown and Lancome. I looked up shades, but alas most of them are discontinued, such is the norm with cosmetic companies and color in particular.
So have fun and make a day of it... I know like we have time for this right?