What'cha think? Like the new duds? I know, I know, I'm always changing my blog's clothes. But it's so fun!! Well, being that I was on hiatus and thus NOT blogging, I still had a blogger to do list. Like make Kel (Housewife Savant) a button, since she won my giveaway in like June. Possibly later. I was sure she hated me, so offered to make her a new header,
in an effort to mend our possibly threatened relationship. Then guess what? She opted for a blog makeover too. It was exciting for me, I love learning all this fun blog decor stuff..
So check it and tell me what you think. By the time I finished her blog, I thought mine looked under dressed. So with all the new tricks I had in my new shopping bag, I came up with this.
Jody Watly, Lookin for a New Love