Generally when I've been shoe shopping (never the initial intention but always ends up that way!), I find myself getting back to the flat and placing the shoe boxes directly into my overflowing cupboard and neatly filing away the shopping bag in a drawer. You may be thinking "wow, this girl is very neat and tidy!" or you may be thinking "OCD alert!!!"...however you have completely missed the point of this's actually performed in the hope that my boyfriend won't realise that I've bought yet ANOTHER pair of shoes that he deems "the same" as a couple of the other pairs I have. How could he not notice the different coloured trim, the fact that they're suede not leather and the subtle differences in the straps! Silly boy...what does he know!ha ha. I know full well that if he sees my purchases he will drone on about how I "don't need another pair of shoes" and "you haven't worn all the ones you have yet", blah blah, the easiest way to avoid this tirade of lecturing is to just neatly file them with my existing shoe collection and then when I choose to wear them and he asks if they're new, I simply say the classic female 'get out of jail 'statement..."no, no, they're not new, I just haven't worn them in ages"(I often wonder why my shoe collection worries him so much coz it's my money I'm using to feed my obsession). He goes away happy (fool,ha ha), I get to wear my new shoes with pride - everybody's happy! You know what they say...ignorance is bliss!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
FAITH website offer!
Generally when I've been shoe shopping (never the initial intention but always ends up that way!), I find myself getting back to the flat and placing the shoe boxes directly into my overflowing cupboard and neatly filing away the shopping bag in a drawer. You may be thinking "wow, this girl is very neat and tidy!" or you may be thinking "OCD alert!!!"...however you have completely missed the point of this's actually performed in the hope that my boyfriend won't realise that I've bought yet ANOTHER pair of shoes that he deems "the same" as a couple of the other pairs I have. How could he not notice the different coloured trim, the fact that they're suede not leather and the subtle differences in the straps! Silly boy...what does he know!ha ha. I know full well that if he sees my purchases he will drone on about how I "don't need another pair of shoes" and "you haven't worn all the ones you have yet", blah blah, the easiest way to avoid this tirade of lecturing is to just neatly file them with my existing shoe collection and then when I choose to wear them and he asks if they're new, I simply say the classic female 'get out of jail 'statement..."no, no, they're not new, I just haven't worn them in ages"(I often wonder why my shoe collection worries him so much coz it's my money I'm using to feed my obsession). He goes away happy (fool,ha ha), I get to wear my new shoes with pride - everybody's happy! You know what they say...ignorance is bliss!