- Eyeshadows in Print, Carbon, Filament, Woodwinked, All That Glitters, Beautiful Iris and Shroom
- Brushes 213 & 210
- Fluidline in Blacktrack
- Studio Sculpt Concealer
- Pigment in Mutiny
- Powerpoint Eye Pencil in Engraved
I told you I was bad! Once I get started, I just can't help myself! I have been watching alot of videos on YouTube by Kandee the make-up artist. She is amazing and I love her pin-up/Marilyn Monroe looks...really retro and sexy. She used some great products for those looks too so I will probably add them to my list of things to get in the future. She uses the ShadyLady palette alot by The Balm. I googled it but only seems to be available in America so may have to trawl for a bit longer to find it. She also mentioned a product called Avalon Unpetroleum Jelly, which is a totally organic gel, kind of like Vaseline but alot less greasy. She advised to put it on after moisturiser at night to seal in your moisturising cream. Apparently it's amazing for your skin if your prone to dry patches (which I am). I have ordered some for $4.50 on an american website as it doesn't seem to be available in the UK. I will test this product out and let you guys know what I think. It has to be pretty good if a make up artist is recommending it though.
She also did a really interesting video on what Marilyn Monroe did with her make-up to change the way her face looked. She basically shows you how to contour your cheeks, how to make your nose look shorter and thinner across the bridge and also some neat tricks on how Marilyn did her eyeliner and lipstick. Being that she is such an icon, it's fascinating to see how much work went into creating the look that made her so famous. I guess that's the secret to glamour and being sexy....you have to make it look effortless for it to really make an impact (even if you've spent hours perfecting your make-up, which she did apparently!!!).
I also ordered some Prestige Mineral Powders from America and can't wait to try these out! I think I'm on top of the holiday clothes situation now however I did spot a cute little pink stripey dress in Accessorize that has a nautical feel that would be very nice for the beach. I'm still swithering on whether to get it or whether I should just be happy with what I already have...