Thursday, March 26, 2009

Had some cosmetic work done..

I'd like to think of myself as one of those women who can grow old gracefully.  But alas, tis not the case.  Embracing the aging process has proven difficult for me.  So I've had a little work done as of late.  Here is the new me.  What is different?
My fabulous hair dresser Colette moved back to town and the hair is totally rockin!  Yay!  Got some new specs.  Just a slight change from the latter.  And the big reveal!  A new smile :-)

I've always had this side gap in my teeth and have  been a bit self conscious about it.  And even more so in my later years.  I felt my youth over powered it and it didn't matter.  Well I'm not feeling so young these days.  With the necessary hair coloring, extensive wrinkle creams and dare I say ever frequent facial waxing a lady doesn't discuss. Remember my awesome friend Andy Huxford?  Well, he deserves a lifetime of free lunches from me for giving me back my smile.  Not that you would know, because I've always photoshopped my smile when I felt necessary.  My friend BJ was taking pictures of me today, and she noticed me up to my old tricks, turning my head to a certain angle (very Mariah Carey of me), not exposing all of my teeth etc.  So I'm getting used to my new chompers, its very cool.

Have you had any work done?  Would you?
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