Friday, March 6, 2009

Favorite Things fun!

Swapping was such a blast!  If I could have afforded it I'd have sent a box 10 times bigger with some of my favorite things.  If I could have sent Rob Pattinson dressed up as Edward, I'd have done that for all my friends.  LOL  But alas, this is the box I sent to Jaime in Wisconsin.
Here are the treasures Jaime sent me.  We have so much in common!
Muppets Take Manhattan - I love the Muppets, we've been on a You Tube Swedish Chef kick lately.
Hatari starring John Wayne - This will be new for me, there are so many old movies I'm itchin to see, and now I have one.
Books - Keeping Faith by Jodi Piccoult and Swapping Lives by Jane Green - SCORE! I've not read either of these, I am soooo stoked!
Homemade Bath Salts - I am a total bath junkie!  It's a thing for me.  I am looking forward to relaxing thanks to Jaime.
Cucumber Melon Hand Lotion - Smells yummy.
Animal Crackers and Tropical Mike and Ike's - A girl after my own heart, NO chocolate!
Candles - And zero crazy scents, clean and flowery!  I cant do food or musky scents.

And thanks to  Mamarazzi!
I'm definitely doing this again..
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