Monday, November 30, 2009

Changes - Designer Christmas Debate

Back in the days of toddler my house was oh so baby proofed. But I longed for grown up decor so much that I could sit and look at decor mags for hours on end. With each developmental stage my children achieved, I awarded myself with a breakable or two and happily discarded or gave away something made by Little Tykes or Fisher Price. The day I handed down our high chair was an oh so wonderful day. The day the toys were no longer stored in the living room was a bliss full one as well.

So naturally when Christmas came around, I gradually changed my decorations as well. We've gone through many stages.

The newlywed stage of popcorn on strings, paper chains and lots of ribbon from the dollar store.

The toddler stage of plastic ornaments and anything else that had unbreakable on the package. Which by the way, if someone made these in a more stylish fashion..... oh yea.. money.. but i don't have time so feel free..

The Pre-School and Early Elementary School stage of all Christmas decor made of construction paper, crayons and Elmer's glue.

Not that any of these stages are bad, oh no, they are all memorable and in fact I have pictures of them all. But I had always wanted a grown up tree. You know like the ones you see in Martha Stewart Living. I need one of my photographer friends to come and light my house, this point and shoot just isnt cutting it for a Christmas Magazine cover.

Well like my living room, my tree has graduated as well. Two years ago I started going designer, much to my family's dismay.

I love light blues, light greens and white, just love love it. This is actually the longest color stage I've been in. It all started with shabby chic I think.

Thanks to my BFF Rachelle who is a Christmas Tree Junkie and very proud of it, last year my tree became almost totally Designer. See she decided her white and silver Christmas tree just wasn't
working in her new dining room.. Hmmm darn..
So she so generously gave all her beautiful ornaments to me and well, now my tree just drips designer baby!

Mike says our tree needs it's color back... :( The kids agree. What??? What... are they talking about, I still allow space for Barbie and The Broncos.. That's what I mean by "almost" totally designer. And I don't put ALL of their ornaments on the back of the tree.. Just some of the left over "early elementary" ones, and besides, they're still on the tree.. I totally share the tree.

We still have remnants of Christmas Decor Past by the clock... See I'm not a total designer hog. I dunno what do you think, am I a stinky mom for going designer too soon?

And could you resist this sad poor puppy at your door saying "let me in, I promise I wont shed or stink up your house, really I'm way too innocent to do such a thing. No I haven't been rolling in the dirt, I'm so clean you could eat off my back." I believe him all the time, and still have to sweep up a pile of dirt every-time he goes back outside.

post signature Changes by Kelly and Ozzy Ozbourne

Petey Wright

Sunday, November 29, 2009

keep on rockin me baby (awards that rock)

I've been meaning to give awards to some of my blogger friends who's blogs totally ROCK! They rock me because they effect me in one way or another. But these bloggers rock mostly because we have a "real" blogger friendship. I read them for reals and they read me for reals..

And with awards come rules. The Rocker of Blogs does hereby decree that all bloggers who are bequeathed the "This Blog Rocks" award, must henceforth bequeath this treasure to at least 5 bloggers who are of Rockin Blog decent.

I hereby bequeath this noble award to:

1. Keep in Touch With Mommakin
2. Housewife Savant
3. Bliss
4. Embrace the Chaos
5. The Five Fish (new friend)
6. Midday Escapades
7. Living in France (new friend)
8. One Moment at a Time
9. Without a Place
10. Tater Tot Mom
11. Absolutely Lady Like
12. Sassy Chica
13. Luv Ur Kids
14. Design It Chic
15. Life of a Cinnamon Girl

This code below the award can be pasted into your columns by clicking on "add Gadget" selecting "add HTML" and then a quick paste and save should do the trick.
This Blog Rocks

Thanks for Rockin my blog world peeps. You really do ROCK!

post signaturerockin me by the steve miller band

Up in the Air

Titel: Up in the Air
Genre: Drama/Komedi/Romantik
Land: USA
År: 2009
Regi: Jason Reitman
I rollerna: George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, Jason Bateman

Handling: En man som specialiserar sig på "karriärsbytesrådgivning" strävar efter att nå sina två mål i livet; att spara ihop tio miljoner flygbonuspoäng och att träffa en kvinna som är hans jämlike.

Omdöme: Det här kändes på förhand som en film som skulle passa mig. En varm film som berör och kanske är tankeväckande. Så kändes det iaf efter att jag sett trailern som träffade mitt i prick. Men jag känner mig faktiskt lite lurad då filmen inte hade samma varma ton som trailern. Vad som verkade vara en dramatisk film med komisk touch visade sig vara en lite lättsammare film med mer komedi och en underliggande dramatisk touch. Jag fick därför blandade känslor av att se filmen som inte var vad jag förväntade mig och kanske därför inte föll mig i smaken som den borde gjort.

George Clooney är Ryan Bingham och både han och karaktären är bra, finns inte mycket fel här. Ryan jobbar åt ett företag som sysslar med att ge folk sparken när företag inte vill handskas med problemen själva. Man måste kunna "sälja in" situationen till den som får sparken och Ryan är en av de bästa. Han trivs med sitt jobb, framförallt med det faktum att han är på resande fot över 300 dagar om året. Han vill inte ha ett hem, en familj, vänner etc. Han ser det som att han har allt detta när han reser. Under en av sina affärsresor träffar han Alex (Vera Farmiga) och de hittar varann direkt då de lever på ett liknande sätt och har liknande värderingar.

Problem uppstår när Ryans företag vill dra ner på reseutgifterna genom att använda sig av teknik i form av en videolänk med den som ska få sparken. Detta är Ryan givetvis helt emot då hans perfekta liv med ständiga resor skulle förstöras totalt. Han måste därför bevisa att det sätt de jobbar på idag är bäst för alla. Problemet med filmen för min del är att jag vill att det ska vara allvar med en del komiska sidor. Men den allvarliga situationen handskas man istället med på ett mer lättsamt sätt än man borde. Detta tilltalar nog många, men tyvärr inte riktigt mig. Jag gillar grundkonceptet, men saknade verkligen det där allvarsamma och varma fullt ut.

4 - Skådespelare
3 - Handling
3 - Känsla
3 - Musik
3 - Foto
16 - Totalt

IMDb: 8.1

Estee Lauder-fest!

Their Sumptuous mascara, Vanilla Truffle Lipstick and Double Wear Cream eyeshadows have given me a real appetite for the Estee Lauder brand. I have been really impressed with the quality of their products and the luxe packaging that is also sturdy and practical (I hate flimsy plasticky packaging!). I used to own their Double Wear foundation about 5 years ago and I remember buying it continuously (even on my measly student loan) but as always, after time, you start to wonder what other products are out there and you go in search of something different. I am looking forward to revisiting Double Wear foundation again the next few days and falling in love with it all over again. It's almost like when you listen to an amazing song too much and get bored of it after the millionth listen, then you rediscover it years later and realise how good it was to start with!
I have always had the impression that Estee Lauder produce really good quality foundations and powders and that they form the basis of what they're all about. I was excited to try the Aeromatte powder as I have hit pan on my Korres Wild Rose powder and wanted to find out if there was another powder out there that offered slightly more product for your money (as much as I love the Korres powder, you really don't get all that much in the pan). Here comes the shallow bit again but I just love the packaging and the rippled effect on the pan...

As always, I much rather using my kabuki brush to apply powder rather than the sponge applicator provided. I always find that it creates a more natural finish when you buff it in the skin, instead of the cakey effect you can sometimes get from sponge application. This powder is fantastic, it creates a really soft matte look to your makeup and I only had to retouch my nose and chin once in a 10 hour period. I love whipping this little compact out of my bag though so I would almost use any excuse to do it!

I have been on the look out for a paler long lasting concealer for use under my eyes and around my nose as I have undereye circles and I often get very red around my nostrils in winter. I wanted a paler shade than my current MUFE Full Cover concealer for when I'm off the fake tan and I also wanted to try a lighter formula. This Estee Lauder Stay In Place concealer in Light/Medium has a sponge applicator, SPF10, it's waterproof and REALLY long lasting. The consistency is perfect, just liquid enough to allow the appropriate amount of blending. Once it has set, it's touch dry (I hate concealers that are waxy or take ages to sink in, they just end up slipping off your skin within a couple of hours). This one doesn't budge at all and it covers my redness like a dream. This concealer is something you can really rely on and it's great for cold winter days when you're probably going to get rained on or caught in snow! That's a certainty in blustery old Scotland!

Ever since trying the Estee Lauder Double Wear Cream eyeshadow in Antique Gold, I have been hankering after more shades. I love a silver eye so the shade, Silver Star from the collection is the perfect pale base for creating either a look that it subtle and sophisticated or built up with darker powder eyeshadows to create an intense and dramatic effect (The Sleek Graphite palette would be perfect). The other shade pictured, Pink Blush (a soft peachy pink) is a perfect shade for everyday wear when you want to look natural but polished. Here come the swatches...These cream eyeshadows are very similar to MAC Paint Pots but with a different selection of colours. I would say they have a very similar consistency and they last all day. Some people say they prefer the Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadows due to the lighter consistency. I own all of the above and in my opinion, the Estee Lauder and MAC ones are my favourite because you can achieve the intensity you want alot faster (the Benefit ones are so light in formulation that you have to layer them to get the same effect therefore you're using more product).
I know there's alot of bloggers who aren't big fans of primers but I am firmly routed with Team Primer. There are different primers to suit everyones needs, whether you want to mattify, smooth out the skin and minimise fine lines or just get that extra glow with an illuminating one. I love experimenting with different ones to achieve different looks. This Estee Lauder Face Primer Plus Illuminating Base is designed to even out skin tone, add radiance and create a solid base for makeup to adhere to. I know alot of bloggers shy away from illuminating products as they are worried that they will make them look greasy or shiny, but I used this primer under my foundation and then set it with the Aeromatte powder and the effect was in no way shiny. It just gives that 'glow from within' look and makes your makeup look fresh all day. These kind of products are a fantastic pick me up if your complexion is looking a bit lacklustre or dull (also great if you have overdone it a bit the night before, which obviously I never do because I'm such a clean living soul!)
The Estee Lauder Opulent Shimmer Gloss in Gold is perfect to layer over any lipstick to create more dimension to the lips and gives a gorgeous effect. It's very subtle which means it marries very well with just about any colour. I love the formulation of the gloss, there's no grittiness or sticky feeling, just gorgeous flecks of gold shimmer. I love the pretty packaging (yep...I'm a sucker for nice packaging!). The only gripe I have with this is the brush applicator which I felt was too stiff and makes application a little awkward. I can deal with that because I love the gloss (it also has exactly the same smell as MAC lipsticks which is a vanilla smell). Yummy!
Here's what it looks like on it's own....
Let me know your thoughts if you have also tried these products. I will be doing some FOTD's featuring the Estee Lauder and YSL products I've posted on recently so stay tuned for those!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Road

Titel: The Road / Vägen
Genre: Drama/Äventyr/Thriller
Land: USA
År: 2009
Regi: John Hillcoat
I rollerna: Viggo Mortensen, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Charlize Theron, Robert Duvall, Guy Pearce

Handling: En man och hans son vandrar genom ett post-apokalyptiskt Amerika. De är på väg mot kusten trots att de inte vet vad, om någonting alls, väntar på dem där. De har ingenting kvar, förutom ett fåtal tillhörigheter och en pistol att försvara sig med om de skulle bli hotade av någon av de fåtal förvildade människor som finns kvar. De vägrar ge upp och deras oerhört starka livsvilja är det enda som får dem att inte lägga sig ned och ge upp.

Omdöme: Regissören John Hillcoat, som stod för den australiska filmen The Proposition (2005), filmatiserar Cormac McCarthys bok (som ju även skrev boken som blev No Country for Old Men). Vi får träffa en man (Viggo Mortensen) och en kvinna (Charlize Theron) som har en son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) tillsammans. De är i början av en post-apokalyptisk värld och måste tro på att det finns något att leva för. Vi slängs snabbt in i det nutida, ett par år senare då mannen och sonen går i en grå och mörk värld, endast med ett par tillbehörigheter och så en pistol. De har den alltid i beredskap, främst om de måste använda den på sig själva...

Den post-apokalyptiska världen är inte rolig att skåda. Det är precis som det ska vara, oerhört mörkt. Det finns inte mycket att kalla för mat och hygienen är obefintlig. Trots det kämpar de mot kusten i söder och pappan ger sin son en del av sin kraft genom att inte ge upp. Sonen i sin tur har svårt att acceptera situationen, men lyssnar på sin far. Att det skulle finnas något hopp känns väldigt avlägset när man ser situationen de befinner sig i. Det är sällan man får se en så extrem frånvaro av vad vi kallar ett liv. Trots att det är så grått och kyligt är det inte riktigt så berörande som jag hade önskat. Storyn i sig är det, men den når inte ända ut till mig.

Viggo Mortensen är, förutom den ruggiga post-apokalyptiska känslan, filmens stora ljusglimt. Han går verkligen helt in i sin roll och visar prov på väldigt fint skådespeleri och känsla för karaktären. Får inte samma positiva resultat med Charlize Theron som dock har mindre att jobba med. Här känns det nästan som man missar lite när man inte utnyttjar en så bevisligen duktig skådespelerska. Kodi Smit-McPhee som sonen har lite svårt att övertyga på mig i scenerna när det verkligen gäller. Kanske är det karaktären som ska vara sån, men det funkar inte riktigt på mig. Jag blir helt enkelt inte så indragen i filmen som man bör bli för att verkligen uppskatta detta.

4 - Skådespelare
3 - Handling
4 - Känsla
3 - Musik
3 - Foto
17 - Totalt

IMDb: 8.4

Showing YSL some more love!

I love YSL as a brand. It gave birth to some of my favourite products like Faux Cils mascara and Rouge Voluptes, which are BY FAR the best lipsticks I have ever owned. The products always feel so luxurious and are such a treat to use, both in their formula and in the gorgeous packaging. I just have to give a whole lotta love to the following three products, Singulier Mascara in No.1 (Black), Gloss Volupte in No.1 (Iced Lychee) and Rouge Pur Lipstick in no.59 (Golden Melon)... I have heard a few other bloggers raving about the Singulier mascara and I never thought it could surpuss Faux Cils, but oh my god it has. This mascara is AMAZING! It volumises, it lengthens and it curls, basically everything you want from a mascara. It doesn't smudge or flake at all and when I wore it today, Chris asked if I was wearing false eyelashes! That had me sold because he never usually notcies these things.
I love the way you can just apply one coat and get this effect...My eyelashes actually reach my eyebrows when I look upwards. This mascara is out of this world and all the raving going on in the blogging world is wholly justified. I have a couple of other mascaras such as Estee Lauder Sumptuous and Rouge Bunny Rouge Amplitude which are great and I enjoy using them but YSL Singulier just has that extra bit of oomph that would make me want to reach for it on special occasions or for a big night out. I am in love! This is a mascara I will repurchase again and again.
I love all the YSL lipsticks I have and this Rouge Pur one is no exception. It's a gorgeous golden peach shade that really glistens in the light. It's butter smooth to apply, doesn't dry out the lips and lasts quite a long time for such a light formulation. The formulation of YSL lipsticks is second to none in my opinion, they are just silky smooth. This shade really brightens your complexion and adds just the right amount of colour.
As I adore Rouge Voluptes (who doesn't?) I was excited to try the new Gloss Volupte product. The YSL website describes the product as having "the sensual texture of a gloss and the irresistibly feminine gesture of applying a lipstick. Translucent as a lollipop, the texture deliciously melts on the lips, giving them a tantalizing shine and tangy colours". This description is spot on and I love that it feels like you're applying a lipstick and not a gloss. If you're expecting a highly pigmented gloss then this may not be for you. It's designed to add shine and a hint of colour. It's so so light and because the gloss is very transparent, it's better paired with a lipstick. And what better lipstick to pair it with than the gorgeous Golden Melon....
This combination is particularly flattering on slightly golden skin. They both feel really lovely to wear and I can't say enough good things about them! YSL had really excelled itself with these three products.

I swear I only intended to buy Christmas presents....

Why is it that the shops get together and conspire against us all at Christmas time? They bring out all the nicest things at this time of year and that makes it impossible for me to concentrate on buying presents for other people! I went into town today with the sole intention of getting things for my loved ones ALTHOUGH, in my defense, there was one excusable purchase. It's my birthday on 13th December and I had spotted a coat in French Connection that I loved so Chris said he would get it for me now in case it sold out. It's in one of my favourite colours which is that cobalt blue shade. I love the military detailing and pewter domed buttons AND the smaller size fitted me so that made my day! It was expensive at £144 but I think it's worth it coz I will wear it to death and the military isn't too strong so it will last through the trend. Then when I was walking past H & M I thought "it couldn't hurt to just have a look". That was where I think I lost all of my will power and ended up trying on a billion things. H & M have done something that so many shops fail to do...their staff were super friendly and helpful, their changing rooms were air conditioned, with flattering diffused lighting AND they have two swivel mirrors so you can position them where you good is that!Bravo H & M. More shops should do that). Here's what I left with...
This dress is perfect for those times when you just want a trusty black dress that you can team with a variety of different accesories. It is high waisted with a cotton vest top section and a chiffon skirt, complete with a chiffon band and bow around the waist. It's fully lined so the skirt section feels quite heavy, that also means there's less chance of it blowing up at the slightest gust of wind! It's was only£24.99 which I think is really good value for money. I'm loving the blazer look at the moment and this one is gorgeous. It's a lovely sheeny champagne colour and has a rough silk effect to it. The lining is also gorgeous, cream silk with a pretty dotted design, perfect for when you roll the sleeves up. I can't wait to wear it with the black dress with chunky jewellery and statement shoes! This was £39.00 which is pretty decent for a good quality blazer, especially since it looks so luxe.
I saw this bright pink wool scarf and I had to have it! It's super long, super cosy and it will add a burst of colour to a plain outfit. There has been so many bodycon dresses around the last few seasons and I've never been brave enough to wear them because you have to have a supermodel figure to pull it off and basically, I don't! However, this black knitted bodycon skirt from H & M is perfect for my shape. It is very slimming and clings in all the right areas. It is quite thick and is also lined so it will be perfect for the winter weather with boots and tights. It was £16.99 in a special offer so I grabbed it in excitement! It's an easier way to get into the bodycon trend without going the whole hog.I now have access to Zara in Aberdeen and I am so glad I do because I have spotted soooo many things that I want to get my hands on! There are some really great things for work, chiffon blouses, lovely shift dresses with stylish detailing and some of their shoes are gorgeous! I managed to limit myself to a wallet, a plain white vest and a top, but not just any top. It has bands of shimmer! I plan on wearing this with my dark denim skinny jeans, killer heels and navy blue long cardigan. It's casual with a twist of Christmas glamour!
So I left my shopping trip today laden with bags and with a hint of guilt at my lack of presents for other people. But I will be going back next weekend so I can get them then...aww who am I kidding!? The same thing will probably happen again!

Friday, November 27, 2009

November 2009 word cloud

City Island

Titel: City Island
Genre: Komedi/Drama
Land: USA
År: 2009
Regi: Raymond De Felitta
I rollerna: Andy Garcia, Julianna Margulies, Emily Mortimer, Alan Arkin

Handling: Välkommen till familjen Rizzo, där ingen talar sanning och alla har minst en hund begravd - från förklädda strippjobb, via obskyra sexuella fetischer till okända avkommor; "City Island" är en både varm och skruvad komedi om en lätt dysfunktionell New York-familj.

Omdöme: Andy Garcia spelar Vince Rizzo som jobbar som fängelsevakt utanför New York. Vid sidan om jobbet drömmer han om att bli skådespelare som sin stora idol Marlon Brando. Till sin fru säger han att han spelar poker, men i själva verket åker han iväg och tar skådespelarlektioner i en klass. Där träffar han Molly (Emily Mortimer) som blir till ett stort stöd utanför hans skruvade familjeliv. Hans största hemlighet är att han har en vuxen son som han precis upptäckt sitter på det fängelse där han jobbar. Utan att berätta något till familjen tar han hem honom och kaos bryter ut.

City Island är en varm och rolig liten film där familjen Rizzo väcks till liv i och med ankomsten av sonen Tony. För det är Tony som får familjemedlemmarna att komma ut ur sina skal och visa vilka de verkligen är. Det är bra komisk timing rakt igenom och samtliga skådespelare sköter sig bra där Andy Garcia ändå står ut mest och gör en skön prestation. Det är överhuvudtaget en mysig och trevlig filmupplevelse och även om filmen visade sig vara lättsammare än vad jag väntat mig så var det bara en positiv överraskning. Jag kunde kanske varit utan de allra sista scenerna som var lite onödiga, men man ville avsluta något som man påbörjat tidigare i filmen så det var ändå ok.

4 - Skådespelare
4 - Handling
4 - Känsla
3 - Musik
3 - Foto
18 - Totalt

IMDb: 7.8
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