I'm considering it. Jogging. Stephanie going jogging. Stephanie jogs. Stephanie the jogger.
A couple of my friends just started jogging and they're trying to get convince me to go for it too. I'm not really hard to convince about this. I mean, I want to; I LOVE to run. The problem is, I'm out of shape, so going up the stairs is a bit of an ordeal.
{I'm exaggerating.}
Jogging has lots of benefits, I believe. Like it's heart-healthy. And can help you maintain a healthy body weight. And releases endorphins, a chemical that makes you feel good. Am I sounding like a commercial yet? I'm trying to.
{I feel like I'm being really obnoxious right now. I'm in a mood. I apologize. Wow.}
*sigh* Enough with commerciality. Let's go the list route, shall we?
Reasons Why Stephanie Should Take Up Jogging:
1. It's spring. Spring is about new beginnings, AKA trying something new, AKA jogging.
2. I actually enjoy running/jogging.
3. I really, really, really need the exercise.
4. It would make me feel good.
5. I would like to be able to tell people that I jog. It sounds...fit.
6. It would give me an excuse to get out of my house and away from certain people in my family that I do not find pleasant company.
7. It's something constructive to do that's not school.
8. It's supposed to help lower your stress levels. {Actually I just BS'd that, but it sounds plausible, right?}
At this time your author ran out of good reasons and was forced to resort to Google.
9. "Jogging twenty miles a week can add seven years to your life." - BTOdell at HealthMad.com. I like that. I'd like to live to 100 AND SEVEN. {I'm already planning to live a century just so you know.}
10. "To have an excuse to get myself a pair of new running shoes once in a while." - DavidTan.org. Shoes are good. What girl doesn't like to get shoes at LEAST "once in a while"?
Awesome. Thanks, assorted bloggers of the internet.
There you have it. I should start jogging. There are really no good reasons why I shouldn't {actually, I saw a link about that, but I refused to click on it}. The only question is WHEN? Today is Monday. It's the beginning of the week. It is a Monday in the spring when I have high stress levels and would do well to maintain a healthy body weight with swimsuit season coming.
{That's rhetorical.}
I am telling you this for a reason. Hopefully blabbing this to the internet community will help give me some accountability.
Will it work? We shall see. If everything goes as planned, I'm going jogging tonight.